KSC Roles and Responsibilities: Key School Contacts
Every organization or school that is an ISEEN member will appoint a Member Representative or Key School Contact to be the primary liaison with ISEEN.
- Each School (or Full) Member shall be represented by its Head of School, Principal, Chief Executive Officer, or by someone designated by that officer or director. This person will have the title of ISEEN Key School Contact (KSC).
- Each Individual Educator (or Associate Member) shall be represented by that individual member. (Associate Members shall not be eligible to vote.)
- Each Educational Service Provider (or Affiliate Member) shall be represented by its director, Chair, Chief Executive Officer, or by such person as shall be designated by that office or director. (Affiliate Members shall not be eligible to vote.)
Roles and Responsibilities of Key School Contacts (KSC)
- The KSC is the person who is responsible for renewing ISEEN membership and processes the invoice for the ISEEN membership each year.
- The KSC is encouraged to facilitate the registration process for ISEEN events. The KSC has likely been to many of the events and can best speak to the benefits, and do more targeted asks at their institution.
- Every August, before the beginning of the school year, the KSC will need to confirm and verify their contact information or assign a new KSC for their school.
- Each fall, the KSC will update an internal list of current school/organization colleagues who have attended ISEEN events in the past (linked profiles).
- The KSC will reach out to ISEEN when they would like to have a particular event or program at their school featured in the ISEEN Field Notes newsletter.
- The KSC agrees to be the first point of contact when ISEEN is promoting a program or initiative.
- In voting matters for the ISEEN board (the election of officers to the board), each member school has one vote. In the event that a Representative (Key School Contact) cannot be present at a member meeting, another representative of the member school may vote instead.
Update Linked Profiles (Profiles Tied to Your Membership)
- Access your Profile
- In the page sub-menu, hover over the "My Profile" button and select the drop-down "Your Organization"
- Select "Individual Profiles" to create or remove a linked profile
- We recommend that you always use an email address as the username of a new linked profile
- If the email address is already in use, please contact the ISEEN office